The living room is an absolute disaster.

There are books and magazines piling up everywhere, random toys have turned the room into a minefield for delicate feet. Socks and shoes have been tossed where they definitely don’t belong.

Sometimes it can feel like the living room has become a bit too lived in, if you know what we mean.

But some savvy Kmart enthusiasts have spotted a piece that let’s you tidy up and put your feet up, all at the same time.

The popular homewares store is selling a sturdy round footstool that comes with a removable lid for easy storage solutions.

Roll up the rug, pack up the Leggo pieces, chuck them in your stylish ottoman, and pour yourself a glass of wine because the chores are officially done for today.

The ‘Anko Round Footstool with Storage’ comes in grey, as well as a newly released beige tone.

It will set you back $39, which many Kmart shoppers are labelling a pretty decent deal.

“What a bargain!” one person said online.

Another Kmart fan decided the stool was definitely worth an extra trip to her favourite store: “I think I might have to go to kmart and have a look,” she wrote.

Claire, the founder of popular Instagram account The Kmart Lover said she had received “stacks of questions” about how strong the ottoman was, and if people could safely sit on it.

“Yes, you can,” Claire said.

“It holds me, and I weigh about 70kg, 68 on a good day!”

Claire said the ottoman was perfect “if you need a little bit of extra storage”.

According to Kmart’s website, the footstool comes with a “concealed storage space” and measures approximately 30cm in height and 56cm in diameter.

It’s also collapsible and can carry a maximum storage weight of about 5kg.

That’s a lot of lost socks and Leggo bits, if you ask me.

Would you buy the ottoman for your house? Let me know below!

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