Dragonflies!!! Sorry. Tom Hiddleston is doing something, and I thought you’d like to know because bitches be lovin’ their Hiddles. Can I just say? As I continue to cover Hiddles, I grow less fond of him as a person, but I enjoy covering him more and more. I think his heart is in the right place, I think he’s a good actor, and I think he’s handsome, but his fandom and his treatment of his fandom makes my biscuit factory close down. Still, this is something nice…

Tom is a UNICEF goodwill ambassador, and he’s currently participating in a week-long stunt (a stunt with a message) with UNICEF. The stunt is to live on £1 per day to raise awareness of poverty and hunger issues around the world. If you go to Tom’s Twitter, he’s been tweeting and asking his followers for support, and he’s been posting photos of his cheap, barely-there meals. He tweeted: “I start living Below The Line to help UNICEF stop children suffering from hunger. Take the challenge too. The World Bank defines poverty as living on less than £1 a day. The challenge is to buy all the food and drink you need to survive for five days with just £5 (£1 per day).” He also says he’s going to “miss coffee very much”. If this was Gwyneth Paltrow, I would call a scheme to find public support for her eating disorder, but I think Tom really is trying to bring awareness to global hunger and poverty issues. You can read more about Live Below The Line here.

Photos courtesy of Jason Hetherington, WENN.
