Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2 has just arrived. It's a relatively new season, only being live for less than a week. That means it's an excellent time to grind XP and get a lot of levels. This will allow players to get battle pass rewards sooner than later.

There are plenty of challenges available right now. There are the weekly challenges, the storyline quests, and starter challenges to get everyone started with a lot of XP.

This challenge, which requires players to report to the Evie or Thunder characters, is the final stage out of seven in one of the Syndicate quests.

Fortnite report to Evie or Thunder quest: A complete guide

Step 1: Open Fortnite and start a match

Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2 is officially here (Image via Epic Games)

Turn on your console or device that you play Fortnite on. Load the app on an Xbox, PlayStation, Switch, phone, or another device. Once it loads, make sure you log into the correct account. From there, start a match. This can be done in either Battle Royale or Zero Build, but not Creative or Save the World.

Additionally, this can be done in Solo, Duos, Trios, or Squads. Since it doesn't require a teammate, it might be best to do this challenge in Solo mode.

Step 2: Fly to one of these NPCs

Find one of these NPCs (Image via Fortnite.GG)

Unfortunately, neither Evie nor Thunder is in the middle of the map, so visiting them could make the rest of the game difficult. Nevertheless, Thunder is located south of Steamy Springs, and Evie is right around Knotty Nets.

Fly to one of those locations. If the bus route goes by one, it might be easier to go to that one. Additionally, Thunder is slightly farther away from a POI, so it might be safer to visit him.

Step 3: Find Evie or Thunder

Evie is in this building at Knotty Nets (Image via Bodil40 on YouTube)

Each NPC will be visible on the map when you get close to them. They will have the familiar chat icon on the minimap. Navigate to that. If you're close enough, you will also see their name pop up on the main screen. Evie is located on the southwest side of the main building at Knotty Nets.

Step 4: Interact

Interact with the NPC (Image via Bodil40 on YouTube)

The final step is to interact. The game will prompt you with chat options with whichever NPC. Progress through them to complete the challenge and earn rewards.

This location is also where you can find the new Katana weapon on the wall, so visiting Evie instead of Thunder might be worthwhile.

Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2 is officially underway, and this is a great way to get a lot of XP and earn the free rewards on the battle pass.

The Battle Bus is heading into Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 soon! Check out the final Fortnite item shop today!

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